The Dingmans

Fonda, NY

United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
My wife and I were married on November 3rd, 2007. We are both Born Again Christians. Christ has blessed us with our marriage! We have a beautiful daughter and three precious Corgis and one lovable German Shepherd/Husky mix.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
We have three corgis. One of the male's name is Malachi and he is 4 years old. The other male's name is Brady and he's 2 years old (pictures to come!) The female's name is Kendra and she is 3 years old. Kendra was born on Christmas day! Our Corgis are so adorable and are the best investment we have ever made. But we don't forget about our other boy, Caleb. He's adorable and so lovable. The Corgis love to herd him!
I have:

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  • Lincoln is Corgilicious

    Hi .... welcome!

    I used to live in Amsterdam (do we know each other???)

    I know live with my bf in Clifton Park. We are close to each other so maybe we can do a meet up sometime for our babies to play.

    Our Lincoln will be turning 6 months old in a few days. I read that you are planning to breed. That would be great ... you never know ... we might want to get another!
  • Wynne Phillips

    Oh, what beautiful corgis! If you breed them, please let us all know. You never know who might need another corgi!! I'm south of you, but sometimes we get up to Saratoga Springs to visit our daughter. That is a VERY dog-friendly town!
  • Juel

    Welcome! Your little ones are cute!