bill and maggie mae

47, Male

Peninsula, OH

United States

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About Me:
just ask
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
her name is maggie mae and shes a lil over 10 yrs old
I have:

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  • Deanna

    Oh, every time I look at Maggie Mae's pictures, my eyes well up with tears! She reminds me so much of my beloved Ladygirl!!!! Something about female Corgis without much blaze on their faces is so endearing to me. When they grow up and mature, they're no longer "cute," they're "gorgeous," or "beautiful," or "pretty." Magie Mae is all of those words and more! May you have many happy years together -- look forward to seeing more pics!
  • Deanna

    Thank you so much for the "Message from Heaven." I've saved it to my hard drive and will print it out to put in her memorial photo album.
  • Rebecca Marie O'Bryan

    they loved climbing all over him when he lays on the floor lol. i love his big paws! when he sleeps next to me i always rub his feet lol