Lindsey Hendrickson


Elk River, MN

United States

Profile Information:

Elk River
About Me:
I am a 15 year old that is in love with corgis!
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
I have an awesome little pup named Winston! He loves to run around and play with his toys all the time! :)
I have:

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  • Karen Mulhausen

    Cutie....not to be too stupid, but is this a cardigan or a tailed pembroke?

    I am only use to the pembrokes w/o tails, my breeder docks.  I am hoping my next one will have a tail.

    Good luck with your new puppy and don't hesitate to ask questions, they do sometimes get to a stubborn stage (what am I saying, they are always stubborn).

    I have had 3 corgi pups, so.........

  • Jane Christensen

    We want more pics:)

  • Jane Christensen

    How is Winston doing????????????????????