Cassie and Jaunty



United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
I've had sighthounds since 1986, and all have been handled by me in the show ring. On April 20th of this year, I got my first Cardigan Corgi and I am in love! He and my wire coat Ibizan are best buddies, my cat still isn't too sure. We are a happy family of four. My Cardi's first show will be Aug 22. Hopefully I can finish him then get him into a Therapy Dog program and possibly some herding.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Jaunty was born on January 28, 2009. He is a dark brindle with Irish markings. He is very smart, and very,very cute.
I have:

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  • Alice

    We were the same way! When we decided it was time to get a Cardi we knew we wanted a blue merle male and we knew his name would be Finnigan. We wanted specific coloring and One blue eye but we never thought we'd actually get exactly what we wanted. When Finn was born we loved his coloring and when he opened his eyes to reveal one blue eye it was a dream come true. Although he's still a bit of a brat (as puppies can be) he has a great personality and he really is our perfect match.

    I love Harry Potter! I've seen him in the ring as well and think he's gorgeous! Our ideal blue was Demi (CH Cornerstone Visions Denim N Lace ROMb) of Cornerstone Cardigans in Florida. Finn is about as close to her as we could have gotten.


  • Shepdog

    And it's Monday -- yay, a day off, partially!

    Whiskers - I was told to leave the whiskers on unless you're trying to refine a heavy muzzle. The thinners to the lump of coat I'm not so sure of - if it accents a good part of his chest, leave it be, if not, thin a little. I remember with the Shepherds, we used to do a lot more um... hahha, thinning in proper places - everyone with the Cardis has told me to leave it be unless it's something distracting. The waves - I was told by my handler that each coat is very different, and that the waves are a pain, hahah - I was told to thin it a little out if need be, but I sure as heck don't want to touch it simply because I have no idea if they're going to fluff it a little on Simon's topline, or flatten it a bit on Caleb's. I used to thin my Shepherd's topline a little to accentuate her croup and shoulder - how lovely it was - she had a back like a table when she moved out. I really need to just go and watch a good groomer groom these guys hands on for a week or two... it seems the only way you really, really learn.

    Oh man, I love Orientals, I really do. They have such lovely personalities - sweet as pie. The Korats are sort of um... like the Cardis of the cat world. If they love you, they love you. If they hate you, forget it, you're not getting within ten feet of them.

    So, how'd the speciality go? Come on points--- *crossing finges you did well!* The boys are heading out in a few weeks to go to one of the All-Breeds up here - but I can't go, argh. I've got to go to Vegas for Super Zoo so I've got to get everything done that weekend, yipes. Well, at least they'll have fun.
  • Shepdog

    I thought of you yesterday! See, I'm working on Simon's "table" so now I give him treats on the counter at work and have him stand for strangers to pet him and touch him and look at his teeth. Well... Simon's smart. Simon's smarter than Shep. See Simon realize that the command "Table" means liverbits.

    See Simon leap four feet blasted into the air and fling himself to the table, cracking me in the nose with his noggin. For a bit I thought he'd actually broken it - that bugger has a hard head! And of course, I wasn't about to let him fall on the floor and get hurt, so I still had to catch and deposit dog on table before I could yelp and catch my nose. One of my customers actually heard the "crack!"

    ... wow. Who knew a Cardigan was a cruise missile. Now, I'm incredibly careful saying table and keep my head well out of the way to catch him. Eep. ;)