

Kernersville, NC

United States

Profile Information:

Winston-Salem, North Carolina
About Me:
I live in NC with my husband and 2 kids. In April (08), we got 2 corgi pups, and life is great! I had been dreaming of having corgis for a couple of years, and was finally able to make it a reality.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
I have Bentley, born 1/27/08, a red & white or sable; and Kristel, a black-headed tri born 2/13/08. Obviously, they are from different litters, but they love each other like brother and sister. They are so much fun.
I have:
No corgi

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  • Reese

    What cute pups! My corgi seems to have similar markings as your girl corgi. =)
  • Banjo and Starbuck

    Your pups are so sweet! I think it's great that your kids are so happy to have corgis in the house. You seem to have a happy family.
  • Suzanne S. Aaron

    Rayanne, that picture of Krystal on the Masked Corgi group is amazing! LOVE that expression - she does grab you, doesn't she? Looks like our tris have very similar masks...