



Profile Information:

Reims, France
About Me:
I am a color layout artist working alongside my husband, an illustrator and author. We welcomed Ace to our home on the 3rd of September 2011 and he has been a cherished family member since day one. We hope to share many years of happiness with him!

We also welcomed Lady, a tricolour Border Collie on the 27th of September 2012. She and Ace get along splendidly and I hope the two of them can compete in dog sports with me when the time comes!
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Pynewoode's Ace of Hearts (called Ace) - a male blue merle Cardigan born on the 6th of May 2011

Hawaiian Lady des Côtes Volcaniques (called Lady) - a female black tricolour Border Collie born on the 29th of July 2012 - My blog - My photos
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  • Lois B. Allen

    Ludi, I have seen your comments that Ace never seemed very affectionate towards and in another place I noticed that you said that he had spent his first 4 months in the presence of other dogs.  I feel that he was dog-bonded rather than people-bonded.  They need people contact as soon and as often as possible.  I adopted a cardi when she was 16 mo. old and she had been sold with her litter mate sister and I understand that that is another bad thing as they will always bond primarily with a little mate.  My girl had been abused when I got her (apparently by a woman) so we struggled for years but she was just scared to death of me when I got her.  When she was 3, I got a baby pem and she was thrilled and adopted the pem as her baby.  It appears that Ace loves his baby sister and you have probably made him very happy.  I suspect he will always be a little distant.  I wish you had had my baby Randy to train.  He is so smart (and spoiled rotten) and I am too old to have trained him properly. 


  • Lois B. Allen

    Considering how well you have trained Ace, I imagine that Lady will be the star of anything you give her an opportunity to do.  Ace will love it too.  That bit of sharing the big antler was a marvelous example.

  • WhiteDove

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