Jane and Beau


Saint Paul, MN

United States

Profile Information:

St. Paul, MN
About Me:
I have had two lab springers. Wonderful dogs!
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
He is a sable born 6/9/11. We share the same birthday!
I have:

Comment Wall:

  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Hello and Welcome!! Congrats on your new corgi :)


  • Geri & Sidney

    welcome Jane, and congratulations!
  • susieq59

    Hello again Jane!  It is going to be nice to compare notes. Very cool that you and Beau share the same birthday!  I hear you on the age thing.  My husband and I are always completely exhausted after an evening with Oliver.  He seems to get real rambunctious around 9:30 p.m.?  Does Beau? I play real hard with him when I get home from work so you'd think he'd be exhausted as well.   He goes in his crate too at around 10 when we collapse.  Sometimes my husband passes out on the couch!  LOL!  I am looking forward to the day when he can sleep in his bed in our room though,  We tried that when we first brought him home, but that didn't work out too well with the kitten and him chasing each other around and under our bed!  Well, I look forward to comparing puppyhood notes with you!  Have a great weekend!!
  • susieq59

    Hi Jane,

    Fortunately, the snow was more south east of us so we didn't get dumped on like many states did along the east coast.  Oliver is very fast too and he loves all of his toys but one of his favorites is the "bouncy bone" I got him when I brought him home.  He punctured a few holes in it so I'm going to have to toss it but this little guy is so smart.  I name all of his toys and when I hold  up two and throw them for him to fetch, I tell him which one I want and he ALWAYS brings back the right toy.  My husband thinks I should take the act to Vegas!  LOL!   I took some cute pics of him and Jeter this weekend which I will post hopefully tomorrow night.  We get swamped with kids for Halloween (over 150 kids) so I'll be busy tonight!  This is one of my favorite holidays.  I'm wondering how Oliver will take the constant ringing of the bell!  How was your weekend?

    A frisbee will be a toy I'll pick up for Oliver too.  The little lad is so spoiled with toys but I can't help myself, He enjoys them so! 

    Have a Happy Halloween?  What''s that holiday like for you?  Do you get swamped with little trick or treaters?

  • susieq59

    Hi Jane,

    Halloween was crazy busy, we had over 200 kids and Oliver gets so stimulated by all the kiddies when we took him outside, he forgot that he had to go!  He's such a friendly chap so he likes to say hello to everyone.  Anyway,as far as your question, can't say that Oliver has that problem except for last night.  When we take him out, he goes right away and for a long time the first time.  He's always jumping at the door when we're trying to get our jackets and other necessary items.  I wonder why Beau does that?  Don't blame you for wanting to wait out in the freezing cold either! 

    Glad your Halloween was pleasant!  I'm hoping to post some new pics of my two boys over the weekend.

    Take care!!!

  • susieq59

    Hi Jane,

    Weekends fly by don't they?  Yes, Oliver is due for his neutering 12/9.  Vet suggested we get it done when he's 6 months old but you could get it done sooner.  Our breeder made us sign papers promising that we would have it done within a year.    If you want to save some money on the procedure,  you could go to The Friends of Animals Organization and purchase a certificate.  You would have to find out if your vet accepts them but I beleive the organization is nationwide.

    I tried posting some new photos of Oliver and Jeter but the format wasn't right here at work so I'll have to wait until tomorrow to do it.  Their eyes in the pics don't always come out good, some downright spooky, LOL.  But. I'm going to post some of them anyway!

    Give precious Beau a hug for me!  He's so darn cute!

    Talk to you soon!

  • susieq59


    I meant you could get the neutering done later than six months..  Sorry about that!

  • susieq59

    Hi Jane!  How are you and Beau doing?  I had so much fun chatting with you!  Will have to do it again sometime.  I started a new blog on Oliver's barking.  Ever since the warm weather has arrived, the windows are open and he barks at EVERYTHING!  Help!

  • susieq59

    Hi Jane,

    I don't know that I like that instuctor's style of communication. It sounds like you are doing a good job and it's not always easy as we both know!  I think Charlie and I are already getting a handle on Oliver's barking and guess what!? He made it up the stairs last night all on his own.  He was so darn adorable climbing then and was so proud of himself.  I plan on putting a video on here of him climbing them.  I said on my barking blog it will be to the theme of "chariots of fire" movie.  Remember that?  So,,, now he gets to sleep in our room with us and has a whole new floor to explore with Jeter!  Charlie helped him a little on Wednesday night and he's so smart.  Whenever, we are going up stairs, I'll say "Oliver, you want to go up the stairs and he'll run to the first two stairs!  So cute!  The treats idea is also a good one and I actually thought of that but he did it on his own!

    Anyway, I hope we'll be able to chat again soon!  That was fun and keep me posted on the classes.  It sounds like you are doing a good job and your best and I have all the confidence that you will get a passing grade!!  Hang in there and give Beau a kiss!


  • Karen Mulhausen

    Hi Jane, Beau,

    The Airport Dog park is located at the end of 28th Ave in Minneapolis.  It dead ends into the airport.  From St. Paul you would get over to Hwy 62 (crosstown), from river, go west, from 35W go east, exit on 28th ave and turn south toward Airport. You can't miss the park, it is at the left dead ending into the airport. Great place, but beware, lots of dogs, in case Beau gets cranky around a lot of them....sometimes Ted does.

    I have odd hours during the week, but perhaps weekends?

  • Rose & Little Winry

    Hi Jane!

     Thanks for the welcome! Winry & I live in Burnsville :) I'm excited for Winry to hopefully meet some friends her own size ;) She was the smallest in her puppy kindergarten class, and is the smallest in her puppy plus class! Our little girl Winry will be 4 months old next week!

  • Laura and Tommy Jefferson

    Hi Jane, thank you! Your photos are adorable! :)