Brad & Rose & Ein

Royal Oak, MI

United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
I'm a new puppy owner. My fiance and I rescued our pup from an adoption day from a local shelter. I'm a photographer for work and hobby.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
We rescued our puppy, Ein, from a local shelter here in MI. He's tan/red with a white stripe on his head. He loves to sleep on his back and likes having his belly rubbed while laying between your legs. He likes to pounce on ice-cubes and jump at leaves.
I have:

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  • Shockoe "Bottom" Bell

    What a cute puppy! Looks like a sound sleeper =)
  • Sunni A.

    Ein looks like a little sugar face!! Too cute to get mad at! Welcome to the site.
  • Juanita Wiltbank

    I knew it! I wanted to say something but some people are not quite comfortable embracing their inner nerd and anime. Actually one of the main reasons my husband and I got a Corgi was because of Cowboy Bebop. I think my favorite moment is when Ein gets a pumpkin stuck on his head ( I think that was in the movie). Anyway he is super cute. Do you guys face any problems with bitting and nipping? Chips really likes to bite and I'm looking for some good methods to curb that impulse.