

Chicago, IL

United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
Hello, my name is Ethan, currently working as Sr. Interaction Designer.
My corgi is Dave.
He's a male 8 months tri-color corgi.
I am looking for his girl friend, whoever interested in him, please let me know.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
I have:

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  • John Wolff

    Don't let the cops see you with that dog. They'll write you a ticket for having too cute a puppy.

    That's a gorgeous masked pup. I woulda named him Procyon (Pro for short).
    Procyon is the alpha star in Canis Minor, Orion's Little Dog visible in the evening sky now. Procyon is also the genus name of the raccoons -- a masked dog.
    The UW Huskies have a new mascot (actually a malamute -- a fraud!) -- after a 0-11 season (really) you'd think they'd give it up and get a corgi, but I gotta admit, Dubs is one cute pup. With a mask.
  • Molly

    What a beautiful boy! Too bad Molly lives so far away. They would have made great puppies.
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Welcome! Love Daves markings on his face! : )