Kathy Leach


Seal Rock, OR

United States

Profile Information:

Seal Rock, OR
About Me:
I adopted a corgi mix puppy in 1987 and wanted a purebred corgi from that time on...I'd seen the Corgi Express wagon team in many parades in Bend (where I lived until 2008) and hoped to someday own one of Nance Baker's pembrokes. 20 years later I finally had my opportunity...I got to know Nance and spent a lot of time with her dogs and eventually got my pick of the litter in May 2007...I had aspirations to show in conformation and obedience...however some life changes led us to the decision to relocate to the Central Oregon coast and start a new life and open our own business...Now that we are settled and my precious Gryffyn is nearly 2, we are starting our adventure with obedience training...I'm very excited and hope to connect with some other oregon corgi lovers who may attend some dogs shows in the state this year.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
I waited 20 years for my first purebred corgi and he's all I could have ever dreamed for! I am so in love with this little guy...His name is Gryffyn and he's a red/white. Initially I had hoped he would turn out sable as his mother, but he's just so darn cute, it doesn't matter what color he is :)
I have:

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  • WhiteDove

    Hello kathy,

    The corgi cusor is HTML code that you can add to the advanced tab under your themes window. I'm writing to you from my iPhone in Arizona, so I hope you get this. We're leaving back for California today. The pupsters had a terrific time. This was their 1st trip to AZ and they are exhausted from running and playing. They're still snoozing and haven't even wanted their breakfast yet! LOL
  • Tina and Cooper

    What a beautiful Corgi,,,He's so sweet :o) great pic's too ~tina~ and Cooper
  • Ace and Jen

    I love his name =) Gryffyn~

    I waited 10 years to get my first Corgi =) so i feel for your wait =)