Lisa and Baxter


Gilbert, AZ

United States

Profile Information:

Gilbert, Arizona
About Me:
First time Corgi mom and loving it!!
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
I have a male, tri-color Pembroke named Baxter born on 8/9/10. He is a little bit nippy and a little naughty but sooo smart and funny and lovable!! I'm so glad I have him!
I have:

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  • WhiteDove

  • Emily Hovater

    That sounds great!!  We are right next to Cosmo dog park. We would love to meet and play anytime. We are free on evenings and weekends. Let us know when you would like to meet. 
  • Caesar & Molly

    Hi there... actually when we take them we go to Cosmo dog park because Caesar is crazy about the little lake!!! Sorry it took so long to reply. Let us know when Baxter goes and we'll take ours too!