Stephanie Hawthorne


Colorado Springs, CO

United States

Profile Information:

Colorado Springs
About Me:
Mom of one two legged kid, and two four legged kids :)
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Pumpkin is a 7 year old Pembroke Corgi.
I have:

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  • WhiteDove

  • Linda Szymanski

    I have a friend going to Denver on Saturday to pick up 2 other Corgis for me.  We could arrange for him to meet you then.

  • Judy Cornick

    Hi Stephanie, I left you a message on a "friend" request.. but thought I would comment here too.  I am looking for a companion for my 3 yr old corgi/queensland mix "Harley." I am looking for an older female and thought I found one, but she was giving away before I could get there.. so I'm very disappointed. Have you found a home for Pumkin yet? I love the fact that she has a sweet personality which is exactly what I'm looking for. I do live in California, so not sure how all that would work. Hope to hear from you.  Judy