Erin & Weston

36, Female

Rockton, IL

United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
Hiiiii my name is Weston and I'm a one year old tri-colored Corgi. I love hiking and being chased around by my humans. I'm a very talkative fellow and always up for meeting new people. Mama calls me bunny and says she loves me everyday!
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Weston is a tri colored Pembroke who was born August 3rd,2013. We just celebrated his one year birthday (he got a pool) and enjoying going on hikes around different parks.
I have:

Comment Wall:

  • Tammey & Caven

    Howdy Erin & Weston and Welcome!

  • WhiteDove

     photo corgipaws5template4.jpg
  • Roger/Laurie

    Welcome, Weston is a cutie pie.

  • Nikki & John Rennoldson

    Welcome. He looks just like our Sadie when we got her in July. They grow so quickly.
  • Marissa, Bandit, and Bacon

    Hi there! Thanks so much for adding me :)

  • Marissa, Bandit, and Bacon

    For sure! I am so very anxious for the beginning of November to roll around! I've lived with room mates go had dogs but this is the first dog that is really truly mine.

    When does Weston get to come home.
  • Leslie & Rhys

    Thank you for the friend request! Weston is such a cutie! I'm sure you're so excited for his homecoming - just a few more days! We're still more than a month away from bringing Rhys home, but we are close to meeting him and choosing him from two litters. I'm the same as you - excited but also a bundle of nerves haha. Can't wait to see and hear more about Weston when he's home :)
  • Geri & Sidney

    Welcome Erin and Weston!