

Fresno, CA

United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
Corgis! Corgis! Corgis!
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
I adore my boys! They are the complete opposites in their personalities and size.

Chucky, my red boy, is a relaxed dude who likes to pretend Freddy doesn't exist. He's a normal size corgi but, stubborn as heck! Initially, I thought it was my inexperience as a first time dog owner that it was taking me so long to train him. But nope, he only does what I tell him to do when he wants to do it. If he doesn't want to do what I say, he pretends he doesn't hear and swaggers away from me as if I wasn't talking to him.

Nobody believes me when I say that. Especially my family. They always say I just let him do what he wants. I tell them that if they think they can do better than me, he's all theirs to train. Eventually, after spending time with him, they realize that it's true. If he wants to do what they say, he'll do it, but if he has a different agenda from theirs then his agenda is his FIRST priority.

His only interests are gopher holes, digging in them, and SQUIRRELS! Oh, and chasing the chickens away from their food so HE could eat it! It drives me nuts!

However, I trust him completely. I know that he would not attack the chickens, chicks, squirrels (he just loves the chase), cats, other dogs, and basically any creature that doesn't do him any harm.

He's quite exclusive in who he adores. If he doesn't adore you, you don't exist in his world.

Chucky lives in his own world. If he were human he would be called selfish. He only cares and gives attention to who and what he cares about.

Freddy is a tri-colored corgi. He's the anti-Chucky and he's a small corgi. Everybody that see him calls him a puppy. I'm always saying, "He's not a puppy."

He loves everybody. He's very obedient and easy to train. He lives to please and loves praises. Chucky would be like 'Whatever. I did it because you had something I wanted, so drop the treat NOW.'
Freddy would be like 'Oh my god! Oh my god! Did I make you happy? Did I?! Did I?!'

He's always ready for action. Walk? He's ready. Play? He's ready. Going out to do chores? He's ready. Annoy Chucky? He's ready.

However, Freddy needs to be closely monitored if there are weaker creatures around. He has a high prey drive. I don't trust him if I'm not there to monitor him.
I have:

Comment Wall:

  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Hello and Welcome!! Adorable profile pic, one of the cutest corgi poses ever.  :)

  • WhiteDove

  • Geri & Sidney

    Welcome Mai and Chuckie!

  • Ciara & Macy

    Welcome to MyCorgi!(: Your little boy is adorable! You'll love it here.
  • Zigward & Kimberly

    Welcome to MyCorgi:D Chuckie is beyond adorable, I'd like to steal him for a hug!:)

    This is a really great place to meet great people who love Corgis lots, plus there is always advice open and everyone is just beyond awesome! And all the ADORABLE Corgi pictures!!! It's too good to be true!:P

    I hope you enjoy the site as much as I do:)

  • WhiteDove

    Congrats and have fun fun fun!!!!!
  • Janna Banana

    Thanks for the add! I tend to get bored at work so that's when I do all my puppy researching LOL. My family thinks I'm crazy because I'm preparing so much! But it's something fun to do while I wait for my pup to come home! :)