
33, Female

Bellevue, NE

United States

Profile Information:

Bellevue, NE
About Me:
I live in the middle of nowhere in Nebraska, the perfect place to let a corgi run around. Both Scout and I love to play ball. I love to train Scout and he loves it too.
Scout is now 7 years old and he is thriving. He's a very smart dog - as corgis are - and he absolutely loves to please me.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
I own a male tricolor Pembroke Welsh Corgi named Scout. He's an amazing dog and I couldn't ask for a better pet. He enjoys long walks, playing fun games (such as "find me" - the dog version of hide-and-seek), eating biscuits and begging for attention. He knows exactly how handsome he is.
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  • Lauren + Winston

    GOOD LUCK ON GETTING YOUR PUP TODAY! It's so exciting, I can't even tell you. :)
  • Daisy

    AWWWWWW Make sure you stock up on carpet cleaner! ;)
  • Bindi

    You should join the Nebraska Corgis group - we're trying to rally and get a meet-up! It would be awesome! :)