Emily Schroeder

38, Female

Belfair, WA

United States

Profile Information:

Belfair, WA
About Me:
I'm 24 and live with my grandmother and boyfriend. I work for Goodwill. I like to read and cuddle with my puppies.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Zephyr was born Nov '07. She's a "whitey", mostly white with sable and black spots. Her tail is the cutest! There's a black spot on it. Zephyr loves people is shy around other dogs but is very outgoing. She loooooves playing fetch. No matter what you tell her, the cat's bouncy foam ball is her FAVORITE toy. (Mostly cos it can bounce on its own, lol). But don't tell her I vacuumed it up accidentally.

Wydget is a "blue" tri-colored (which basically means she's a faded black). She was born Feb 2010. She's SPUNKY. Likes to chase the big dog all over and bark at her. She's a lover *and* a fighter.
I have:

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  • LaVerne & Shirley

    Oh my gosh I LOVE your new pup and Im completely in love with Zephyr! I've never seen a Corgi marked like she is. ADORable! Shirley loves the play fetch too but only from the time she wakes up until she goes to bed....lol. She just cant get enuf! Her favorite ball is called a holee roller I got at Petco. It doesnt look very sturdy but it really is. Its a great tug toy as well as fetch. Maybe Zephyr would like one of those since she will be missing the cat's bouncey foam ball. By the way.......I love the name Ivy for your new baby. Awwwww....she is just toooooo cute!!!
  • Beauty and the Beast

    it really is a perfect name cause Wydget is a bunny and corgis are little bunnies :)
  • Rebecca Marie O'Bryan

    your corgis are absolutely adorable!! o my gosh they take my breath away lol