Sarah, Sadie & Dexter


Elk Grove, CA

United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
My name is Sarah and my husband and I have two Pembroke welsh corgis, Sadie and Dexter!
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Sadie - born 1/20/2009
I got Sadie at 11 weeks old, and we graduated puppy and intermediate classes. She loves chewing on her bones and toys and running round chasing her ball on the lawn.

Dexter - born 2/23/2013
I got Dexter at 10 weeks old, and he is very active and energetic. He and Sadie are learning to get along and he loves to follow her around the house.
I have:

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  • Kristin, Honey, and Hooch

    Oh my gosh, your Sadie does look a lot like Hooch with more white! How cute is that! And you're not that far away, either--maybe we should get the two together sometime to play and take pictures. :) I added you back as a friend!
  • Jackie Bousquet

    Hi Sarah,


    How nice to hear from you! I viewed your profile of Sadie - very cute! I totally remember you, Sadie and the rest of your family. I hope Chris' aunt is doing well. If she finds that she is ready to get a Corgi of her own, you should have her call me. I have a litter due the first week of March. Corgi life needless to say is rather crazy and chaotic, which keeps me PLENTY busy. In fact I should be getting my dogs ready for an international dog show in Santa Rosa tomorrow, but I wanted to at least get back to you. Anytime to want to talk Corgis, by all means e-mail me or give me a call. All the best to you and Sadie!




  • Jenna, Seth & Reginald the Corgi

    Hi guys! How would you feel about another Sacramento meet-up next Saturday or Sunday at Bear Dog Park in Roseville around 9:30am?? There was a very small one there yesterday that wasn't very publicized and I just checked out the park today and they have nice grass. It would be nice to get together maybe every 3rd Saturday or Sunday of the month!