Kristin, Honey, and Hooch

36, Female

Penn Valley, CA

United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
I'm a twenty-one-year old animal enthusiast. I have done a lot of rescue work with domestic animal rescue groups and I'm also a wildlife rehabilitator who specializes in birds. I'm an Animal Science major and hoping to be a veterinarian.

I'm also a big anime fan and upon seeing Cowboy Bebop about ten years ago I decided I wanted to get a corgi someday! I thought it would be off in the distant future, but after one of our rescue dogs passed away I happened across a corgi in a shelter by chance and things just fell together! Now I have two of them, both rescues and both adopted recently. :)

In addition to my corgis, I also have a border collie, three cats, a horse, two cockatiels, two lovebirds, two parrotlets, twenty-five chickens, three ducks, three guinea fowl, and five fish.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Hooch is a tricolor Pembroke welsh corgi who was rescued from a puppy mill. As a result of his origins, he's a bit shorter and stockier than the usual corgi, but he's downright adorable and hilarious! He loves to play fetch, run around the yard with our border collie, give kisses, wiggle at the slightest things, and snuggle. He's very sweet, loves people, and never fails to make us laugh with his big personality.

Honey is a beautiful red Pembroke welsh corgi who we got out of a shelter. It's a long, rather odd story how we ended up with her, but that's for another time. Honey is my constant companion, and she loves to have her belly rubbed. She has a funny habit of howling when she wants people to pay attention to her and she'll take any opportunity she can to huddle up to the people she loves. She and Hooch both sleep on my bed with me at night, with Honey right next to me and Hooch at my feet. She's a fast learner and very smart and personable!
I have:

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  • Corgie

    Oh hey!! :) Its Fern! Nice to see you on here! :D
  • Sarah, Sadie & Dexter

    my little Sadie has similarities with your tri colored corgi; take a look on my page! they would look even more alike if either: yours had the white forhead stripe, or if mine didn't. haha
  • Sarah, Sadie & Dexter

    yeah, that would be fun, and the pictures would be cute! i got Sadie from a breeder in Missouri. she will be two in january, but she seems really small for a corgi. she is only around 20-22lbs (depending on the month, haha). i think she looks smaller because she has such a small face, but who knows!