

Portland, OR

United States

Profile Information:

Woburn MA
About Me:
I am "professional volunteer" who does grant writing, event planning, and newsletters for several Portland-area groups whom I love. I am blessed with a husband of 37 years (and a really handsome son of 20 - in photo). Husband is a retired Coastie, and his former career brought us to the gorgerous NW.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Wafl ("waffle") is now almost 4. Got him from a friend who used to bring Kiwi (W's mom) to the office. He is a BIG corgi - about 40 lbs. I plan to join the "troubled Corgi's" group to show how much damage he has done to our carpeting! Eating toilet paper rolls is not a problem - for him it's a treat. Great dog, but too protective of me - snarls at wonderful husband, and we are seeking help for that.
I have:

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  • Michelle

    What a good looking boy. My male LOVES a tolet paper roll...just the cardboard part, he will snatch one out of the trash can in a hearbeat.
    LOL .......^-^
  • Ace and Jen

    Ace loves eating Tissues and toilet paper.. =) so i feel for you there
  • Alison Prasavath

    My male corgi, Noodles, loves toilet paper rolls. I always tell people we will hire him out if they have boxes that need broken down. There is no box too big for him to tear apart.