Sheila Wiggins

39, Female

Oskaloosa, IA

United States

Profile Information:

Oskaloosa, IA
About Me:
I lost my first Corgi on Jan. 18 2011, I will miss my baby boy JD. But right now I have a new lil girl Corgi named Eire, I know she will not take JD's place but she is still a very good girl and has a place in my hart.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Eire is her name. Her mom was a rescue but her dad we arnt sure of yet but we will be finding out soon. Every time I take her any where we get stopped by straingers who saies "SHE'S SO CUTE!"
I have:
Corgi mix

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  • Lynne Cerny

    Congrats on the new puppy!  So happy for you!
  • Joanna, Rainy and Calvin

    Hi Sheila,

    I was just checking out your blogs (I came into all this late) and I am very sorry to hear about JD.  I went through down a very similar road with my corgi Algernon, who finally lost his battle with lymphoma last March.  He was first diagnosed with ITP when his immune system attacked his platelettes and he became anemic.  After transfusions, immuno-supressors and steroids, we were able to manage his health for several years.  Then, his spleen ruptured and they found tumors.  He lasted another 9 months with little suffering - we were lucky to have him around for so long.  He let us know when it was time, and I had to let him go.  JD was a beautiful little boy.  My thoughts are definitely with you.

    I also see the good news that you are getting a new little girl!  May she bring you much joy and many years of companionship!

  • Cheryl Lyons

    Welcome home lil Eire!