

Huntsville, AL

United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
Have owned corgis since 1994. Wouldn't have any other kind.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Rhys 4 years old, red and white pembroke purchased from breeder
Tanner 5 years old red and white pembroke, adopted when his owner was placed in a nursing home
Ollie 2 years old mix adopted from SNAP
Corky - we had her for almost 14 years. She passed away April, 2008
I have:

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  • Geri & Sidney

    Welcome Rhys, Tanner, Ollie and SHiela! Aw, the one with the tail reminds me of my Sidney!
  • Debbie, Sadie & Joey

    Thank you for your sweet comment! I LOVE your family portrait!
  • Nadine C

    Hi Shelia,


    I am trying to start a group for Huntsville Corgi's and there humans.  I  would love it if you would join.  I would like to start having meet ups at the dog park if you are intersted.
