My husband, Duane and I RV full time, we winter in Fl and summer here in In. We have a 5 year old English Bulldog Rita.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
I don't have a Corgi but I am very interested in getting one. I have no problem with going through a rescue, or gettin an older pup from a breeder. I just don't know if I want to go through the whole puppy thing again. I am looking go get a male.
Welcome Michele! I got all my dogs (the three boys) as older dogs and they have been wonderful. Bruce was the oldest at age 11 years when we adopted him, and Sidney was the youngest at only 5 months. Good luck and I hope you find one soon!
Hey everybody! I just called a few places to see who we could do a meet up with and I was only able to find one pet resort that would let us. It is in Castleton, IN. We would basically rent out an area for a couple of hours and let them run. I will get more details on everything tomorrow. The manager has to call me back for pricing and times and such. I was thinking 1-3 on a sat or sun? It would probably be around a month from now. Please let me know if you are interested and what would be best for you. I will do my best to get the most popular day and time.
Geri & Sidney
Apr 10, 2009
Wendt Worth Corgi's
Apr 11, 2009
Zach and Lisa
May 12, 2009