Scott Wiley


Musselshell, MT

United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
We raise cattle in a remote part of Montana
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
We now have four Corgies, three tri colors and a red and white. Our dogs work with us and are getting to be very good cow dogs, but they are still the sweet Corgies when not at work.
I have:

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  • Lucy & Ricky (Wendy/Jack )

    BTW, I didn't mean to compare your loss of Corky to my loss of Lucky. I was truly guilty. I let him out because I was too lazy to walk him and he got hit by a car. Out and out guilt. Your situation was an accident.

  • Lucy & Ricky (Wendy/Jack )

    I've been off mycorgi for way too long. I'm just curious if Katie had a litter. Please let me know. Love to you, Kathy and your gang! xoxo wendy

  • Scott Wiley

    Wendy, Katie did have a litter of puppies but they were not from Joey. Katie was coming into heat and we found another red and white male that we used for a stud.. She had 7 live puppies, all sables. We kept one of the females. I feel negligent, we did not share on MyCorgi like we should have. They were the best puppies! Also, I was asked to write an article about our herding dogs for the Welsh Corgi League newsletter in the UK. If you go to their website I think that you can read it. We are now famous around the world!! WOOF Woof