
, Female

United States

Profile Information:

Atchison, KS
About Me:
I'm a grad student in a PhD program for Cognitive Psychology in Oklahoma. I have about two years left before I have to go get a "real" job. My goal is to join the world of academia as a professor at a mid-size university where I can do both teaching and research.

My field of research is not the traditional psychology... I don't analyze people or do counseling. I actually do research on memory, specifically in the area of eyewitness identification. In other words, I'm more like CSI than I am like Dr. Phil :-)
About My Corgi(s):
Suzy Q is a female Pembroke Welsh Corgi
She was born Jan. 2, 2008 and I just got her March 16.
She is adorable and her favorite hobby is torturing my cat, Dusty.

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  • Kate

    Hey! I read your blog and I was wondering if you could give me a few tips on your housetraining techniques. What are the basics of teaching them to use the bell? Do you have an actual doorbell? Where did you get the bell that you use? I have been thinking of trying this method as we are housetraining our pup and it is not going so well. He just doesn't know how to ask! I would appreciate any tips you can give me! Oh... and I see that you are nearby. We are in Enid, OK for the time being.
  • Katelyn

    Your corgi is ADORABLE!!! I live in Oklahoma too!!! What part of Oklahoma, might I ask, do you live?
  • Jen and Cody

    Wow your Corgi is amazingly cute!!! I love the under the bed shots!