Dee & Yoshi's Page


Los Angeles, CA

United States

Profile Information:

Los Angeles, ca
About Me:

I traveled about 2 hours away from LA to meet the breeder and pick my puppy. It was so hard. I wanted them all but I pick the most smallest shiest puppy of the litter. :) Now he's the most pain the butt puppy. lol. But I couldn't be happier! Yoshi is the best thing that has ever happened to me...

Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
One beautiful Corgi....i got as a gift and i love him so much...he sleeps with me... he's so cute i just want to bite him.....just kidding...he's a male... born April 7, 2009.... and his name is Yoshi. He loves spending time just laying around and killing his toys. He enjoys spending time with his poppa. They enjoy catching games. Especially from his poppa's alma mater... USC. aye...

baby development

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