Cyndy Glasscock


Richmond Hill, GA

United States

Profile Information:

Richmond Hill (Savannah) ,GA
About Me:
Mom to a boy who belongs to his corgi named Buddy. Buddy was our families first corgi- sadly, Buddy passed away on June 13, 2011 from complications and symptoms of osteoscarcoma - bone cancer.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Buddy was our families first corgi... My son was his person and Buddy was the best cancer fighter (human or other) that I have ever known. Buddy lost his fight on June 13, 2011- roughly 6 months after beginning treatment for osteoscarcoma that included three types of chemo following a leg amputation for a tumor in his front shoulder.

Our canine family also includes Maggie- a very bossy female corgi rescue and Dog ( aka Sirius Black )- a very large, definitely NOT a corgi rescue who found me and came into the picture near the end of our brave Buddy's battle.
I have:

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  • Gail L

    Hi Cyndy and Buddy,

    We got Cobi's wheels from Eddies Wheels. I just checked out their website and they do offer wheels for the front. Here is a link :

    Some other sites:

    Hope this helps and good luck with Buddy


  • Jane Johnson

    Hi Cyndy & Buddy,

    Jake was diagnosed with hemangiopericytoma.  It started with a small lump on his foot that he obsessively licked.  After the biopsy, we took him to an oncology center in Boston.  They suggested 15 weeks of radiation therapy.  Knowing Jake and his constant licking, we felt he would not be a good candidate for it and with our vet's guidance, opted for the amputation.  He gets along fine and has no problem getting around or going up and down stairs.  I do have a dog stroller which he enjoys especially the attention he gets.  If you have any other questions, let me know.

  • Alison Prasavath


    I'm so sorry for the loss of Buddy, but thank you so much for sharing your story. You all loved him so much and he knew it. I'll be thinking of you all and especially Buddy's boy...I'm sure it is so very hard on him.