
New York, NY

United States

Profile Information:

New York
About Me:
Kris grew up in NY. He is an adventurous person. He likes cycling, snowboarding and hiking. He loves all types of animals (especially dogs).

Chris grew up in NJ. She is an artist who enjoys painting and playing the guitar. Her favorite music artist is Radiohead. She has always wanted a Corgi since she was 1 month old.

Together they are living in NYC and raising their Corgi pup named Moose.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Our Pembroke Welsh Corgi is named Moose. We drove 500 mile to Virginia to get him when he was 8 weeks old. He is now living with us in NYC. Moose loves tissue paper, cardboard boxes and going to the dog park. He is very friendly and loves socializing with other dogs and humans. However, he hates vacuums, brooms and statues of lions.
I have:

Comment Wall:

  • Geri & Sidney

    Welcome Kris and Moose!

  • Abbey & Anne

    Nice to have you Kris/Chris and Moose!  Be consistent, be patient and be happy with your puppy.  All these things combined will eventually work together for progress!

  • WhiteDove

    Pupsters on the Rocks!!!!! photo pupstersnIaa_zps9e694256.jpg