Daniel & Ein!

41, Male

Leola, PA

United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
I'm a Digital Artist who loves my Corgi Ein! -And yes, I'm a big fan of Cowboy Bebop as well! ;)
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Ein is 3 years old. He's playful and so energetic! Loves to go for walks, doing tricks for treats and loving on everything & anything living... or recently living, haha. Ein's a happy bundle of loving force to be reckoned with!
I have:

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  • Paula Hess

    Quinn was diagnosed with asspiration pneumonia and died from a pulmonary edema. it was 3 long days of trying to get him to breathe. He died at the vets office. He was there to be put on oxygen and I had all hopes of picking him up the next day. I was so heartbroken, he was my soul mate who helped me through some of the toughest times of my life. I then found a breeder that had his genetic bloodlines and I put a deposit on a puppy that cost as much as a car. The entire litter perished! Once again...heartbroken! I was about to give up, but, knowing that I wouls always have a samoyed in my life I found another puppy! I got him the day after Thanksgiving, his name is Marshal-Mallow. He is a real handful. Smart dogs are always a handful. Desiree's corgi, Wookie has had an aggression issue that has escalated to the point that he is so unpredictable. He has to be medically treated and goes to MD on Monday for evaluations. He ripped the nostril off of Mallow. He ripped into Chloe, our Australian sheperd 2 days in a row. Sometimes he can go for weeks without an episode. He has to be physically removed or he would not stop. He has the potential to kill. Once he is removed...he submits on his back and looks at you like he has no idea what has just happened. He will be on meds for the duration of his life. AAAARRRgggHHh!!! I am seriously drained and need some peace in my life.
    As, far as chicks go....I can honestly say...Thank God, I dont have to date one!!! You will find the right one some day and you will be happy. If you are not happy...you didnt find the right one. Good Luck!
  • Buddha

    I am glad you had the good sense to google it! Saved yourself a couple hundred bucks and a corgi!
  • Katelyn

    You're corgi is cute! Love the name! Cowboy bebop is cool! Praise the lord for both corgi's an anime! lol =) Have a good one!