Buddy & Wynstan


Demopolis, AL

United States

Profile Information:

Demopolis, AL
About Me:
I live in a small town, and will be getting my first corgi shortly
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Wynstan was born on October 3, 2009. He is just a little ball of energy. He loves food and fetching but still trying to master the frisbee. He is wonderfully goofy. So far, his favorite past time is to pester the Bailey, our German Shepherd, until she is ready to play.
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  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Happy Birthday, have a great one!! :)
  • Betts

    I wish they could stay little just a bit longer. It's hard to remember that Rufus has a puppy brain, no matter how big he is.
  • John Wolff

    radiant personality

    Hey -- Photoshop is half the fun of being owned by a corgi. Get your local teenager to help you -- just keep your cool when they tell you you've made an "I.D. Ten T" (ID10T) error.