Miri, Bailey and Cali


Downey, CA

United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
I am a third year law student. My husband and I have a precious corgi named Bailey. She was born 5/31/09. Bailey brings so much energy and fun into our lives. What did we do before we had her? We also added a little corgi mix named Cali to the family. Cali was born 7/30/10
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Bailey is a tricolored Pembroke. She is full of energy and always chasing something (our other dogs, flys, air...) Bailey is quite vocal and loves to run around the yard,
Bailey has been herding sheep since November 2009. She absolutely loves it, and she is finally learning to slow down and listen to what we want from her.
We recently started agility with Bailey as well, and she as well as us is loving it so much.
And we have added Flyball to Bailey's activities...I feel like a soccer mom driving Bailey around to all her various practices. But I wouldn't want it any other way.

Our new little one, Cali, joined us Halloween 2010. She is a corgi mix. We are not quite sure what she is mixed with. I guess we will have to wait and see what she looks like when she grows up...So, little update on this. In my opinion, Cali is a Corgi Australian Shepherd mix. We did have her DNA tested, and the results were actually quite funny: Dalmation/German Shpeherd...Yeah, I don't see it at all :-)

Cali is the complete opposite of Bailey. She is mellow, affectionate and loves to eat.

We are going to instinct test Cali for herding soon. She loves to herd her big sis around the house :-)

I have:

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  • Ollie & Prie Misra

    yup, we definitely want to try it out! several people have said he seems like he'd be a natural at it b/c he herds dogs at the park, my 5 young nieces and if there is a group of us walking with him lol

    Maybe we will try it out as a barkday-birthday event :) if you could pass on the info to contact the herding locations, that would be very helpful! 

  • Karen & Bailey

    haha i dont know!! yay friends!! we will try a bit harder to keep our page updated! at least the pics!
  • Michelle, Blake & Luna :3

    Come join us for a Corgi Halloween Fest! R.S.V.P.!~    http://www.mycorgi.com/events/souther-california-corgi-halloween-me...