Miri, Bailey and Cali
  • Female
  • Downey, CA
  • United States
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Miri, Bailey and Cali's Friends

  • Reeses & Rosalie (Owner: Jes)
  • Yuki Norton
  • Lisa, Huey & Milo
  • Michelle
  • Jolly and Vicky
  • Jonathan P, Kim N. and Bowser
  • Ollie & Prie Misra
  • Eric D.
  • Carey, Lizzie & Emma
  • Laura Phillips
  • Susan Parkins
  • RILEY, MAGGIE and Christine Kemp
  • Jen and Miss Harley
  • Sheryl

Miri, Bailey and Cali's Discussions

Bailey is in a photo contest...

Started this discussion. Last reply by Miri, Bailey and Cali Apr 13, 2010. 12 Replies

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Miri, Bailey and Cali's Page

Profile Information

About Me:
I am a third year law student. My husband and I have a precious corgi named Bailey. She was born 5/31/09. Bailey brings so much energy and fun into our lives. What did we do before we had her? We also added a little corgi mix named Cali to the family. Cali was born 7/30/10
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Bailey is a tricolored Pembroke. She is full of energy and always chasing something (our other dogs, flys, air...) Bailey is quite vocal and loves to run around the yard,
Bailey has been herding sheep since November 2009. She absolutely loves it, and she is finally learning to slow down and listen to what we want from her.
We recently started agility with Bailey as well, and she as well as us is loving it so much.
And we have added Flyball to Bailey's activities...I feel like a soccer mom driving Bailey around to all her various practices. But I wouldn't want it any other way.

Our new little one, Cali, joined us Halloween 2010. She is a corgi mix. We are not quite sure what she is mixed with. I guess we will have to wait and see what she looks like when she grows up...So, little update on this. In my opinion, Cali is a Corgi Australian Shepherd mix. We did have her DNA tested, and the results were actually quite funny: Dalmation/German Shpeherd...Yeah, I don't see it at all :-)

Cali is the complete opposite of Bailey. She is mellow, affectionate and loves to eat.

We are going to instinct test Cali for herding soon. She loves to herd her big sis around the house :-)

I have:

Miri, Bailey and Cali's Photos

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Comment Wall (57 comments)

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At 5:44pm on October 14, 2011, Michelle, Blake & Luna :3 said…
Come join us for a Corgi Halloween Fest! R.S.V.P.!~    http://www.mycorgi.com/events/souther-california-corgi-halloween-meet-up
At 10:14am on February 22, 2011, Karen & Bailey said…
haha i dont know!! yay friends!! we will try a bit harder to keep our page updated! at least the pics!
At 10:15am on February 8, 2011, Ollie & Prie Misra said…

yup, we definitely want to try it out! several people have said he seems like he'd be a natural at it b/c he herds dogs at the park, my 5 young nieces and if there is a group of us walking with him lol

Maybe we will try it out as a barkday-birthday event :) if you could pass on the info to contact the herding locations, that would be very helpful! 

At 3:27pm on February 7, 2011, Ollie & Prie Misra said…

I don't know where I'm going yet.. should know in a couple of months when I hear back from everywhere! *fingers crossed*


I haven't ever done herding before as Ollie is my first corgi -- what is the place in Riverside? and in LB? I've heard of a place near Malibu, too.

At 1:52pm on February 7, 2011, Ollie & Prie Misra said…
btw, where do you do herding? I'd love to have Ollie try it out!
At 1:51pm on February 7, 2011, Ollie & Prie Misra said…

Ollie is 10 months now, and will be 1.5 when I start law school & his new little sister Prie will only be 6 months old... I am so nervous about it! --both law school and the pups! I think having the 2 will be better so that Ollie won't be lonely all day and I'm hoping that I'm not just setting myself up for double trouble!

At 3:52am on November 4, 2010, Priscilla Fernandez said…
Quixote is a girl but yes she will be very handsome girl ahah
At 1:05am on August 6, 2010, Priscilla Fernandez said…
Hi Miri and bailey! Bailey is sooo beautiful! Quixote is from Gilby and Paris at Poso Creek. Its so good to see so many relatives of quixote on here!
At 9:03pm on April 14, 2010, Lucy & Ricky (Wendy/Jack ) said…
Hi Miri, Wanted to let you know that I joined the LBC (Long Beach Corgi group; not the Crips, LOL). It appealed to me because I love Dr. Dre and all that LBC gangsta stuff. My "baby" who's 23 and in the Peace Corps in W. Africa put an Eminem poster on top of a lithograph in my bedroom yrs ago, and it's still there. I actually think Eminem is brilliant and hilarious. I also think that Bailey is AMAZING. I feel so badly for Lucy because we are not challenging her. Anyhow, just wanted to post an update to my illustrious and only member of The OC Corgis to check out the Long Beach Corgi group--esp. bec. I think you go to herding classes in LB and might meet some great Corgi people.
At 1:26pm on April 13, 2010, RILEY, MAGGIE and Christine Kemp said…
Thanks for the info on the harness...it was the pink one I saw. I didn't see the wacky walker, I will take another look. I'm going to Google those items. Riley pulls too, we are hoping he will grow out of the pulling. Riley is still a puppy at 9 months and is into and trying to eat everything. Love these tris :)

Miri, Bailey and Cali's Videos

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Miri, Bailey and Cali's Blog

Any Corgi bloggers out there?

Posted on March 16, 2010 at 4:00pm 6 Comments

I used to have a blog a while ago, but ran out of things to say, but I restarted it, and it is now all devoted to Bailey's adventures. If you wanna take a look, here you go: http://bailey-agilitycorgi.blogspot.com/

But, I am really interested if there are any other corgi bloggers out there, I would love to follow you. I found a few people on the site already, but haven't gotten my fix yet. So I you could please tell me your blog address, so I can check you out and add you,…

Puppy Therapy for finals at my school :-)

Posted on December 5, 2009 at 11:16pm 0 Comments

Look what my school came up with to lessen finals stress :-)


I am loving this...If I didn't have my Bails, I would go to this :-), and I have to say it is true. Last year I did not have Bailey yet, and I was freaking out about finals...now I am quite relaxed, a bit anxious but nothing… Continue

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