Justin Nelson

40, Male

Pittsburg, CA

United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
I'm a 26 year old college graduate with a BA in History. Hiking, camping and hanging out with the dogs are some of my favorite past times so I figured a corgi would be a great addition to my family. Currently there are two Siberian huskies in my house, Marty and Max, both males who are owned by my parents. I have had dogs all my life but this will be the first one that is trained by me. I am currently aplying to be a CA Park Ranger!
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
I will be getting a tricolor male Pembroke at the end of August 2008!
I have:

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  • Miri, Bailey and Cali

    Who are Benny's parents? Gilby is Bailey's Sire and Thelma (who is one of Kim's friend's dogs) is her Dam
  • Garrett, Katie, & Conan

    I just randomly decided to search for Conan's breeder on this site, and I found your forum thread asking if anyone got their puppies there (it's a very old thread). Just thought I'd let you know that we got Conan from Poso Creek Puppies! Glad to see there are other healthy Corgis out there from the same kennel :)
  • Dom, Casey, Zeke & Dexter

    Your corgi is super cute :)
    We got Dexter from Poso Creek too! It's fun finding others from there too!