Brittany and Mango


Seattle, WA

United States

Profile Information:

Roswell New Mexico
About Me:
Not much to say, new to Seattle to pursue my passion in art.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
"Mango!!" Is what I hear everyday at my apartment complex. He's a celebrity. Christmas is almost here, and for the Holidays I bought a house with the Puget Sound as the backyard just for Mango to play in! We'll be moving out of the city of concrete to the woods of the Northwest. Mango is spoiled to say the least.
I have:

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  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

  • Kathryn Graham

    Mango is adorable! And I do find that corgis mean that you can always expect interaction with just about everyone you pass. I never really knew our neighbors until I got Madoc-- now he is the heart of our street. Have fun with Mango!
  • Gail and Ashton

    Mango is absolutely adorable! Hope the weather over on your side of the state is treating you guys better than us. We've been having crazy north winds. Ashton goes outside and his ears start flapping so much he might take off! lol Best of luck with your art and hope to see you at some of the corgi gatherings!!