Karlie Reese


Buena Vista, VA

United States

Profile Information:

Vacaville, CA
About Me:
I am a student at Southern Virginia University but am originally from California. I trained labs as guide dogs until I moved. I love dogs and animals in general.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Indy (Indiana Jones) is a very lazy boy. My brother and I just adopted him a couple months ago and he has brought so much joy to our lives.
I have:

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  • Louise Kurtz

    The weekend is fast disappearing.  How about tomorrow morning at Glen Maury?  If that doesn't work maybe later in the afternoon tomorrow.  The horse park is on Route 39 heading toward WVA.  It is a big big equestrian show area with acres of cross country.  They encourage walkers when it isn't being used.
  • Louise Kurtz

    Is 9:30 okay?  The park has a big parking lot at the entrance or you can drive up the hill where there is a covered picnic area.  Your choice.  Look for 2 ladies in a little red bread box.  My cell phone number is (540) 466-0352.  I am also bringing our sheltie and my friend Marie who hopes one day to have a dog of her own.

  • WhiteDove