Alicia Keyes


Clinton, MA

United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
My name is Alicia and Im 24. I'm a mom of 2. I have 1 Corgi's. I'm a working mom and i go to school. I'm married to a wonderful man named Mike
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
I have 1!!! Todd is my big baby. He's 7 turning 8 on October 20th!!! I feel good about telling his story only because I saved him from the home he was in. They were getting rid of him due to their other dog not liking him... when I got him he was in horrible shape! Invested with ticks and tested positive for Lyme diease... he is my little shadow (he even follows me to the bathroom!) and I couldnt have asked for a better friend!
I have:

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  • donna g

    if you didn't know the new england costal corgi's are doing a meetup this sunday in kingston,nh.. i am hoping to attend.
  • Mary Beth Lynn

    Hey Todd - I know when things get a little slow at home - it is always just a little bit exciting to go pester the kitty. Happy days
  • Edward and Gemima

    Thanks for stopping by my site. Ed and Gem had great fun trick or treating!! I changed everything over to Thanksgiving theme so you'll have to check us out again soon! sign our guestbook if u do!!!!!!