Kerby (the human)

39, Female

Batavia, IL

United States

Profile Information:

Batavia, IL
About Me:
I live and work at a residential high school so Lucy is currently living at my parent's house but we frequent the local bark park as much as possible!

When I'm not hanging around with high schoolers I try and enjoy the great outdoors or a good book.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Norah (January 2009) just recently joined out family and is currently living with my fiance in Iowa. She is a corgi/heeler mix and the sweetest dog I've ever met. She's not even a year and has been through three homes. She loves to run and say hi to everyone.

Lucy (November 2007) is a rascal. She can go for long walks through the neighborhood without a leash on and stay right at my heel, on other days she takes off to play with our neighbor's dog when she is supposed to being going potty. Swimming is her absolute favorite thing to do besides play chase with bigger dogs. She also enjoys playing 'take the bone away' with our other dog and barking at animals on tv.
I have:
Both Pembroke and Cardigan

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  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

    Happy Birthday to us both...this day should go down in history. LOL

  • Desert Corgi Pack

    I saw a picture of Norah and marveled at her coloring. We recently adopted a Corgi mix who has very similar coloring. We thought that possibly he was half heeler. Looking at your Norah makes us think so that much more.
  • Sherri

    lucy is the one that is golden and white.