Desert Corgi Pack


Las Cruces, NM

United States

Profile Information:

I'm orignally from Kodiak, Alaska.
About Me:
We live in Las Cruces. Years of travelling around the country has landed me here. People (especially my wife) call me crazy, but I like it here in this part of the country. Work keeps me busy, but coming home to my pack keeps me sane. No matter how brutal my day was, coming home to their smiling faces and happy barks makes it all go away.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
We have a pack of four Pembrokes. Recently we've taken in a Cardigan mix. We are truly addicted.

Tag is our oldest. She is 5. She's a tricolor. She has allergies, but we do our best to help her keep them at bay.

Razzle is a tricolor as well. She is 3. She's Tag's sister. She's a bit of a stresser, but she is always ready to chase a ball or snuggle. If you're not careful, she'll get you with a sneaky lick.

Prinz Charmin is a buff. He is 2. He's our Corgi ambassador. He's also our hall monitor, always bossing around the others. He's always ready for a hug, though. He has decided he likes to herd and trains with my wife.

Lucky Tank is Charmin's little brother. He'll be 1 in April. He's our goofball. He is always talking to us. His name is Tank because he's built like one.

Renny is our cardi mix. He's around 8 months, we think. He's had a tough life, but he's fitting in well so far. He likes to investigate our pride of cats, but they don't like being investigated much.

We also have Linny. He is an honorary Corgi whom I found on the highway one day. He is our professional sleeper.
I have:
Both Pembroke and Cardigan

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  • Carol Rea

    thank you for the friend request! i guess I misunderstood that Fred and Ren were leaving your house and going elsewhere, sometimes that happens! You are fortunate to be able to keep on rescuing/adopting - Mr Mike, my spouse, says no more pets. He can be such a grouch!!! Sonny has been with us a little over a year, he was never socialized or trained - he now will come out with the family, but does not play at all (runs from balls, toys, etc) His idea of corgi tricks and fun is eating, and only eating and he is -there is only one word for it, obese. He finds things to eat other than his low cal kibble, it is terrible - I am a retired dietitian!
  • Carol Rea

    Sometimes we think Sonny does not see, and then he does something that makes me think he does! Oh, he loves green beans - or anything he can scrounge in the yard (spent thistle seed, weeds, the list goes on and on) When we put Lucky in his wheels and throw the ball, he runs! There is something terrible in his background that we don't know about, so we just love him
  • steve smith

      Looks like from some of your pictures you need to join the akward sleeper club.Hope your still on this site