

Hesperia, CA

United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
I am a dog nerd who enjoys learning all she can about dog breeds, conformation, training, and coat color genetics.

I also work at an animal shelter as a dog walker and I love how it exposes me to a never ending variety of dogs. I get to see so many different conformations, personalities, and coat colors. When I get a dog out, I walk/play with it, of course, but I'm also studying it to see what I can learn from it :) If you saw me with the dogs you'd see me looking closely at their hairs, studying how they move, analyzing their conformation, and watching how they react to me and their environment.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
I have a sable female and my days tend to revolve around her. I'm constantly doing short training sessions, or taking her somewhere, or exercising her, or playing with her, etc.
I have:

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  • Jane Christensen

    Starry, Teddy had a ripped ear when I rescued him from a puppy mill:( The woman had to turn in 30 corgis) he was one of the 4 I took. I had put him back and then had them go get him...I just couldn't leave him!!!!!! I think he knows I saved him...he is so wonderful and it's so fun to watch him grow and see him play and steal toys from the other dogs. I wish he wasn't so old but he's still in good health!

  • Geri & Sidney

    Welcome Starry and Madison!

  • WhiteDove

    Pupsters on the Rocks!!!!! photo pupstersnIaa_zps9e694256.jpg