

Santa Monica, CA

United States

Profile Information:

Boulder, CO//Currently in Santa Monica CA
About Me:
I love my Corgi, Tegan! :] That is, of course, obvious because I am here though, right? I am also a student focusing on veterinary medicine, although I am a couple years from even applying for vet school right now! I changed majors twice, but I feel like I have finally found what I am meant to do with my life.
Right now I work at a veterinary clinics as receptionist/assistant, and walk dogs for people on the side for extra cash. Dogs are my life, and I love cats, too! I also have a horse, who was raised by my family and we have a very close and special bond.
My boyfriend is also very important to me, aside from my animals! haha, we have been together nearly two years and are very much in love :) He and Tegan don't always get along, they are jealous of one another, heehee, but in general they are pals.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Tegan is a 4 year old male. Very loving. He is very attached to me and I will take him anywhere I can! He follows me everywhere, and he is totally spoiled rotten. He is a one of a kind personality, very funny little boy. He loves ANYONE who will pet him and tell him he's cute, and when we go for walks he obsesses over squirrels and birds. He also likes to chase laser beams from cat toys I buy... which my boyfriend thinks is the best thing ever because you can make him dive into the pillows on the couch and it's pretty hilarious... teehee!
I have:

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  • Gail and Ashton

    Oh I am so sorry MollyJo! I just read your current status. I totally understand how you feel. When my hubby got laid off from his job it was unbelievable stress. I wish you lived closer since the vet clinic I work at is current having some staffing issues with assistants and I would love to have another corgi owner working at the clinic. If Washington state is someplace you'd like to live drop me a note and I can give you our clinic info so you can send us a resume. :) I wish you the best and I'm sending happy vibes your way. <3
  • Molly and Isabella

    MollyJo, I just read your status. What horrible news. Hang in there...It WILL get better! From one Molly to another, here is a big (((hug)))!

    And, yes, Isabella is my very own first corgi..Growing up, however, my family had a red and white female - Samantha. Sam was a great dog and I've always wanted a corgi of my own. We recently lost our 10 year old German Shepherd. In the middle of all our grief about that, Isabella came in to our lives...If you want some light reading about that, I posted our story in the Puppies 2010 group.
  • Reeses & Rosalie (Owner: Jes)

    I love the colors in your tri....