Sheldon's Mom aka Myles Mom

Manitowoc, WI

United States

Profile Information:

Lake Michigan Coastline
About Me:
I am a Material Analyst (aka Buyer).

My husband is Real Estate Sales Agent with Coldwell Banker, Manitowoc, WI
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Myles was born Dec 1995. He is very active for his age, but loves his relaxing time as well. I saw Myles as a pup and fell in love with his smile and big ears. I will never be without a corgi.
~RIP Myles April 15, 2009~
Sheldon has the adoption date of May 9, 2009. We will use that day as his 3rd birthday. We rescued him from Lakeshore Corgi Rescue. He is very smart and playful. His Papillon sister and kitty sister love to tease him so that he chaeses.
I have:

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  • Sky and Lyla

    She is doing great. Loves her big brother to death. =) I am learning, though, how stubborn Corgi's can be (or maybe it's just her). Because Sky is also a herding breed, I just figured she would be really willing to please like he is... not so much. It's her way or the highway... and she's only 11 weeks! She's fun though and I'm loving every minute!
  • Lil' Guinness

    Cool! How do you know Bella? Have you visited Melanie?
  • Lil' Guinness

    Lol! We are visiting Melanie at the end of August. Bella and Riah are having puppies! I'm really excited! Jasper is the new boy dog they got. They also got Mercedes.