Mimi And Sir Nugget


Irvine, CA

United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
I have beautiful fun loving welsh corgi from poso creek named Sir Nugget! He was born on May 24th 2013. I believe his parents are Dillon and Amber.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Sir Nugget of Lake Forest is quite a ham! He loves to run in the park and is a pooping machine! Sir Nugget is a master of destroying toys and likes to flip his bed before he sleeps. He loves to be chased, wrestled with, yet loves to sit on your lap (or your face) ... All 30 lbs of him! He hopes to have step siblings from Poso Creek and misses the vast lands of Bakersfield.
I have:

Comment Wall:

  • Geri & Sidney

    Welcome Mimi and Sir Nugget! If he ever wants to come play with a LOT of corgis, check out the San Diego COrgi meetup page and take a short drive to take part in some fun!

  • Tracy & Sir Bentley

    Welcome Mimi,

    Sir Nugget is a pretty corgi.

    My corgi's registered name is Sir Bentley of Yorbalot.

    We are from Yorba Linda.

    I met Kirby, a Poso Creek corgi at a L.A. Corgi Meetup event last year.

    We are members of both the L.A. Corgi Meetup and San Diego Meetup

    Maybe our "royal knighted" corgis can meet.

  • WhiteDove

    Pupsters on the Rocks!!!!! photo pupstersnIaa_zps9e694256.jpg