

Holyoke, MA

United States

Profile Information:

Hong Kong
About Me:
Have been showing horses for a number of years now.. more specifically, Arabian horses at the national level.. Now finally getting a chance to show dogs!! And I'm very excited!!
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
I've got 2 Cardi boys! Cooper and Uno!

Cooper is my 1st Cardi. He's 2 and is black & white. We're hoping to eventually do agility with him! He is such a ham!

"Uno" aka Wolfwood Second To None (By Ch Pyne-Woode's Cowboy Bebop x Notts Dragonfly In Amber) is my blue merle boy. I bought him last fall after Nationals (Arabian Horse), and will be showing him! He is from Rhode Island. I'm very new to it but am very excited about this new adventure!
I have:

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  • Susan

    Your boys are very handsome! Love the pics of them in the water! Although they're both good-looking fellas, I'm a little more enamoured with Cooper...gotta love the black and white Cardis! :-)
  • Shepdog

    How'd the show go today? Totally curious, and hope you and Uno did well! :D
  • Elizabeth

    Thanks, so are yours!