Duchess Anne Windsor of Pembrokeshire Wales



United States

Profile Information:

Boston-Happy New Year!!!!!!!!!!
About Me:
I am from Boston Massachusetts and work as an Advertising Account Executive. I live with my fiance John and we adopted Duchess at 11 weeks old in November 2007. she came to us from a kennel in Oxofrd Ma.
Duchess was the last of the litter and when they brought her out ot me she had just awoke, I had her Winnie the Pooh receiving blanket readyl her little toy-and treats. Ironically she slept all the way home! It has now been as of yesterday, November 22nd 1 year to the date she has been our little girl. I chose her name because I have always admired the British Monarchy and th Corgi is the Queen's dog -of course!
About My Corgi(s):
My Corgi is named Duchess Anne- after the Queen's daughter Princess Anne- She's smart-active and intelligent. She loves her Princess Bed andhas her very own room painted-Pirncess Pink. Everyday she develops and gets smarter! she knows so many commands and tricks-I keep training her every week.I let her watch the movie "The Queen" and when the Corgis came on -she recognized them!!We love her so much-

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  • Allison Musick

    Awww, Duchess is a little cutie too! How adorable!

    I just wanted to say what a cute pem. I got my little pem corgi at the same place you did, Laughlan kennel. My pup is 10 m0nths old and is a joy. they look alot alike maybe related.

    This photo on my comment is my male Max not my little girl maggie she is red like your baby.