Owen's Mom

Puyallup, WA

United States

Profile Information:

Puyallup, WA
About Me:
My husband and I are starting our family with a handsome corgi. This is our first puppy together.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Owen is a curious little guy who is currently in love with grass, his kong, and of course the millions of starlings living in our trees.
I have:
No corgi

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  • Yazzy & Lola Marii

    hi for some odd reason i decided to make a group called washington state corgis united and i want you to join pls.....
  • Ollie and Dinah

    Yeah, stubborn corgi = me losing my hair...and probably my sanity.
  • Nancy Liu

    Hello Owen,
    I really enjoyed your picture on the calendar!
    I have your page separated from the calendar and hope you are willing to do a SWOP.
    I can send you your page, if you could send me the the page of my pup - Radar, Portsmouth, RI (February).
    Please note: I do have a hang hole punched into the top center edge.

    If you would like to swap then send me an email so we can trade mailing addresses to dexnanliu@cox.net
    Thanks and have a CORGI DAY!