Ollie and Dinah

Henrico, VA

United States

Profile Information:

Glen Allen, VA
About Me:
We have a Tri-Colored Corgi named Ollie (short for Oliver Queen or Green Arrow to you DC comic book fans) and a Sable Corgi named Dinah (Black Canary, again for the comic book educated). Ollie is not happy with his new little sister, but we hope with time he will warm up and teach her all the things she needs to know about being a Corgi.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Ollie was born in early November, 2008. He's a pleasure to be around, and is the absolute cutest thing in the world. He's got a few freckles on his muzzle, and loves to sleep with his face stuck into couch cushions. He is extremely routine-oriented and gets a little fussy when things don't go his way. He talks to us with "honk" sounds and his nickname is Woogie or Woogums - he's the coolest...except when he's evil.

Dinah was born in April of 2011. Her personality is VERY different from Ollie's. She is more snuggly and MUCH more difficult to house train. We often call her "Potato" because that's what she looks like when she curls up in a little Corgi ball. She loves to bite Ollie and chase him around the house....typical annoying little sister behaviors. She is a great addition to our family.
I have:

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  • Owen's Mom

    1. Appreciate the Ollie naming.
    2. I feel your pain. Owen has a strong stubborn streak. My mom says I have met my match. We should start a support group. lol. We are still working on the nipping a bit. The barking has presented itself as the dominant display of defiance. The doggy day care folks say Owen has an opinion for everything.
    3. Also laughed that my husband had many similar pictures when we first got Owen.
  • Ein Danger

    aww oliver is such a handsome corgi :) ein can also be very headstrong at times. i think its because he's still so young and going through his rebellious "teenage" phase. i'm sure that's what oliver is going through as well.
  • Ein Danger

    thanks for such a nice comment :) i'm thinking of submitting my profile pic for the 2010 calendar :)