

West Lafayette, IN

United States

Profile Information:

Bangkok, Thailand
About Me:
I go to Purdue University and am in Animal Science/pre-Vet !!
About My Corgi(s):
My favorite dog breeds are corgis and pomeranians!
My corgi's name is Toto. He is 7 months old. My pomeranian's name is PangPang and is about 5 years old. Unfortunately PangPang is living in Korea right now. But Toto and my other pet ferret named Dwaeji (dway-jee) are here with me!

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  • Susan

    Welcome Lynn and Toto....he's a sweet little tri. We have two much loved, and overly spoiled tri-kids.
  • Markus and Angela Knaub

    Hi Lynn!! Toto is a cutie! I read that you have a pom of my girlfriends has one. We tried to have a play date with the pups, and they did NOT care for one another. Hope you have better luck. :)
  • Zach and Lisa

    Hey everybody! I just called a few places to see who we could do a meet up with and I was only able to find one pet resort that would let us. It is in Castleton, IN. We would basically rent out an area for a couple of hours and let them run. I will get more details on everything tomorrow. The manager has to call me back for pricing and times and such. I was thinking 1-3 on a sat or sun? It would probably be around a month from now. Please let me know if you are interested and what would be best for you. I will do my best to get the most popular day and time.