Alicia Byrd

55, Female

Hesperia, CA

United States

Profile Information:

Oak Hills, CA
About Me:
A lot has happened since I joined I was married in October to a great guy, and we have been working on our house and spoiling our pups.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Meet our new baby Kali! She is precious and fiesty as can be!
I have:

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  • Lynne Cerny

    Sorry for your loss!  Nice that you came back to fill us in.  Good luck in your finding another bunny butt!!
  • The Geek's Wife & her Corgi Ein

    So sorry for your loss.
  • The Geek's Wife & her Corgi Ein

    Thank you! I lost my companion Tally back in March of '10, and I have still have bad nights. Tally helped me through a particularly rough part of my life. She been my security blanket for 13 years, and now that security blanket is gone, so I just feel lost without her sometimes. Luckily Ein has has been helping me get through my grief. She's bonded really well with both myself and my husband. It just took a lot longer than I expected. She is the perfect balance of independence and affection. She seems really well rounded which me feel so proud. I want her to be a lover and snuggler, but not needy or have separation anxiety. Somehow we managed to pull that off.  Our dachshund is well rounded like too. I'm glad you're finally bonding with your lab puppy.