

Ottawa, Ontario


Profile Information:

About Me:
I love photography, travel, reading, music, meeting other corgi owners. You can find me in Facebook under Andrea L. Johnstone to see more pictures of our "almost human" corgi, Willis.
About My Corgi(s):
We are the proud owners of Willis Thornton Johnstone, a Pembroke Welsh Corgi. Please join our Corgi Club on Facebook so we can share pictures, and tips and generally brag about our corgis - the best dog breed we've ever owned.

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  • Trice

    Aww thanks Andrea! Willis is a doll. =)
  • nirin

    Your corgi marking is so unique... cute !!
  • WhiteDove

    Hello Andrea. . .thanks for your comment on my page. . .you can put the little corgi cursor and wiggly corgi butt through the Advanced Theme window. . .you first have to save them to your computer as gif files. . . .

    P.S. Love Willis' markings. . .you must get remarks all the time. . .I belong to Facebook too. . .cya there!!!