Ferris aka Ferrball

Fort Myers, FL

United States

Profile Information:

Fort Myers, FL
About Me:
My name is Lexie. Ferris was adopted from Celestial Star Kennel. Though he can be frustrating, I love him more than words can say. Getting Ferris was one of the best decisions of my life.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Ferris was born 02/03/08. He's a red and white Pembroke.

baby growth
I have:

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  • Macie Linne & Holli Berri

    Yeah i have gad her for about a year i got her at pet kingdom right before i left they had a little boy:)) but idk if they still have him:)) we moved for my dads job and we never really enjoysed florida well my parents i loved it but yeah it was a painful but baeutiful move:))
  • Carrie Baxter

    "Southwest Florida Corgi's are meeting at Estero Dog Park on Sunday, July 15 if you would like to go.  Perhaps relaxing by the pool afterwards?  Friend us on Facebook "Southwest Florida Corgi's"!"

  • Kylie Dennison

    He is just absolutely gorgeous. :] What breeder did you get him from?