Brittany and Todd

34, Female

Melbourne, FL

United States

Profile Information:

Rockledge, fl
About Me:
My name is Brittany and I live in Rockledge Florida. I currently work at Publix as a Pharmacy Technician. My fiance' just joined the Army so we'll be traveling the world soon enough! I was introduced the corgi breed about three years ago and been in love with them since. I currently have one corgi, named Todd.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
I have a almost two year old corgi named Todd. I got his name from the Disney classic "The fox and the hound". I was one day searching on the internet for a corgi and when I saw his picture I fell in love and had to have him. I went one state up to Georgia so I could have him and since then he has been in our family. He is very energetic and loves to play. He also likes to chew up his toys and leave the debris all over the floor.

I have:

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  • Keli, Abbey, Buster,Bella & Kids

    Todd is sooo cute. I went to Oklahoma, but found a farm in Ga. and we added Buster to our family. He is 4yrs and 15 lbs. he and Abbey are doing great together.We are near Eglin and found there were not any small males in the area to be found. I do thank you for your response. Have a great weekend! And again,Thank you ....Keli, Abbey and Buster
  • Lisa and Baxter

    Love the scarf Todd is sporting in his profile pic! What a cutie!!
  • James & Robyn Carlton

    That profile pic is Way Too Cute.